
Bridging LEO to a multi-chain future

While there is a lot of tribalism in the crypto space, our philosophy at INLEO has always been around a multi-chain future. The future of blockchain is interoperability - that is not just a buzz word.

As this industry matures, there will be more ways to collaborate, bridge and utilize multiple blockchains simultaneously. 5 years ago, this was nearly impossible. Today, heavy blockchain users tend to utilize multiple blockchains on a daily basis and can seamlessly transfer assets across them.

In 2020, we released the first bridge for the LEO token. Prior to this bridge going live, the LEO token only existed on one blockchain: Hive.

Hive is a fast and fee-less blockchain. It allows us to store our data immutably while staying nimble and scalable. Hive is incredible for this purpose however most of the capital and users are still outside of the network.

Our philosophy of a multi-chain future means that we aim to bring people from all blockchains to the INLEO app. If you are a heavy user of Ethereum, for example, you should be able to interact with our token and bridge into the app easily.

Wrapped LEO

Our bridging tech has created a version of wrapped LEO on 3 blockchains to-date:

  1. wLEO on Ethereum

  2. bLEO on BSC

  3. pLEO on Polygon

Each of these versions of Wrapped LEO are listed on their blockchains' largest DEX (Uniswap, Pancakeswap and Sushiswap).

Pool Incentives

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes) use Liquidity Pools and a protocol called "Automated Market Makers" to create a marketplace for buyers and sellers.

We have built pool incentives for each of the versions of wrapped LEO on these platforms. WLEO Liquidity Providers earn LEO incentives from an on-chain account called @wleo.pool which (as of 2023) pays out 613.728 LEO per day. This amount drops slowly each year as part of the LEO Emissions Schedule. bLEO and pLEO are listed on other platforms' farms (CubDeFi and Polycub, respectively) and earn yield from those tokens.

Building Liquidity

Building liquidity for the LEO token is vital. We are always looking for ways to build and incentivize more liquidity in the various pools across these blockchains. Having liquidity means creating an easier environment for both buyers and sellers of the LEO token.

Bridge Fees

There is a small wrap / unwrap fee when you move from native LEO to wLEO, bLEO or pLEO. These bridge fees are earned by the LEO Oracles and create a further incentive to build liquidity in the various pools.

Last updated

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